Intestinal Cleanse (Liquid) Dietary Supplement
Intestinal Cleanse (Liquid) Dietary Supplement
If you have ever endeavored to cleanse your digestive system using medicinal herbs, you already know what a BITTER (sweet?) process it is. Now you can get all the cleansing power of Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood and Pennyroyal, beautifully balanced with milder herbs like lavender and orange peel to make a great tasting herbal addition to any cleanse you’re headed into.
It is recommended that you research each of the herbs contained in this formula and check for contraindications with any medications or health conditions you may have. You may opt to consult an herbalist or an integrative medicine specialist before taking.
Warning: This product should not be taken by people who are pregnant or nursing.
Chicagoans pay $27 and plan to pick up your product at Haji Healing Salon (4448 S Cottage Grove Avenue) on Saturdays between 12-5pm. For shipping within the U.S. add $7.